Let's tell stories together

unRival Network


unRival Network

Brand Strategy, Website Framing, Copywriting


The folks at the Raven Foundation — with whom Sherwood Fellows had worked before — were partnering with additional organizations to share Rene Girard’s work on undoing cycles of violence. This time, they wanted to emphasize how Girard’s insights can impact global efforts in peacemaking and justice.

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Brand Strategy

Creating Community, Cultivating Donors

With the Sherwood Fellows team, we held a mini-Sprint where we developed a Creative Brief that included their core values, Why Statement, and brand strategy. We developed a brand voice that was thoughtful without being stuffy and intentionally non-partisan; we also had a collaborative meeting to name the network. Our strategy included a plan for garnering donor support while building a community of nonviolent innovators, which the organization is currently implementing.

Web and Copy

Connecting Peacemakers

I created a sitemap and wireframe (in Adobe XD) for the website, and wrote copy that aligned with their goals; this included boilerplate copy that they’re able to use for donor outreach materials.


Brand design by Marcellino D’Ambrosio and Bella Dell’Aira of Sherwood Fellows. All work under the direction of Sherwood Fellows.